Facce d'Amore is the second solo album of Jakub Jozef Orliński. It includes 8 world premieres. All the tunes tell a story, illustrating the male figure in the Baroque era - and not only the positive aspect such as the pleasure of mutual love, but also anger and even madness. Spanning a period of almost 85 years, the arias in Facce d'Amore are by Handel, Cavalli, Boretti, Bononcini, Conti, Locatelli, Orlandini and others. This is a great opportunity to see and hear the singer in a new programme, tailor-made to allow him to excel in a repertoire that is both moving and theatrical.
Accompanied by the musicians of Il Pomo d'Oro - an Italian ensemble conducted by Zefira Valova with a rhythm that is a pleasure to see - Jakub delights in deploying in these pieces a sense of theatre and accuracy of play that only the stage lacks. This magnificent Theatre is the ideal setting for one of the most dazzling countertenors of his generation to explore the rare gems of 17th and 18th century Italian opera.
Conductor | Zefira Valova
Il Pomo d'Oro
Francesco Cavalli
La Calisto (1661) | Sinfonia
"Erme e solinghe cime... Lucidissima face" (Endimione)
Giovanni Antonio Boretti
Eliogabalo (1668) | "Chi scherza con Amor" (Eliogabalo)
Claudio Cesare (1672) | Sinfonia
"Crudo amor non hai pieta" (Claudio)
Giovanni Bononcini
La Nemica d'Amore fatta amante (1693) | Sinfonia
La Costanza non gradita (1694) | "Infelice mia costanza" (Aminta)
Nicola Matteis
Don Chisciotte in Siera Morena (1719) | Ballo dei Bagatellieri
Francesco Bartolomeo Conti
Don Chisciotte (1719) | "Odio, vendetta, amor" (Fernando)
Luca Antonio Predieri
Scipione il Giovane (1731) | "Finche salvo e l’amor suo" (Scipione)
Pietro Antonio Locatelli
Concerto a quattro op. 1 no 11 in C minor
Largo - Allemanda (allegro) - Sarabanda (largo) - Giga (allegro)
Giuseppe Maria Orlandini / Johann Mattheson
Nerone (1723) | "Che m'ami ti prega" (Nerone)
Nicola Fago
Il faraone sommerso (1709) | "Alla gente a Dio diletta"
Jakub Józef Orlinski appears courtesy of Erato/Warner Classics